
You can ride the wave of anxiety & panic

You can ride the wave of anxiety & panic

The less you engage with the feelings of anxiety, the quicker they will go. Noticing the feeling, labelling it and then carrying on in spite of it, means you are not fuelling it further but allowing it to run its natural course. The feelings will go if you learn to ride them rather than fight them.

How online therapy works & how to make it work for you.

How online therapy works & how to make it work for you.

Find out how online therapy works, why people are typically choosing online therapy and what to expect of your first appointment.

We give you practical tips for getting the most out of your therapy and making it work best for you.

Therapy can be hard, but its worth it (case study).

Therapy can be hard, but its worth it (case study).

My Therapist Online speaks with Sarah, who describes her inspirational story towards recovery, moving through the bumpy road of bi-polar and why engaging in therapy was, and still is, worth it. 

Life doesn’t often get better by chance, it gets better by change. 

How to be happier by reducing your mobile phone addiction

How to be happier by reducing your mobile phone addiction

Reflections and recommendations on a digital detox for a happier you.

Find out how you can make helpful tweaks to how you use your phone to benefit your wellbeing.

How online therapy works & how to make it work best for you.

How online therapy works & how to make it work best for you.

Find out why people typically choose online therapy, how online therapy works and how to get the most out of your course of therapy.

This guide gives some useful insights and practical tips into what to expect and how to get the most out of your online treatment.