Mental Health Matters

The Power of Human Connection and Touch in Mental Wellbeing

The Power of Human Connection and Touch in Mental Wellbeing

Discover the crucial role of human connection and touch in our mental health in this insightful article. Delving into the science behind physical and non-physical connections, it highlights how they significantly impact our emotional and psychological state.

Post-pandemic, as we navigate changes in work and social life, the article emphasises the importance of maintaining and strengthening these bonds.

Learn practical ways to build relationships in a digital world and understand how deep, empathetic interactions contribute to a fulfilling, mentally healthy life.

Believe in your infinite potential

Believe in your infinite potential

When we embrace the idea that we have limitless potential, we open ourselves up to the possibility of achieving our goals and living more in line with our personal values.

In this article we look at how we can unlock our full potential by challenging and reframing self-limiting beliefs. We explore evidence based therapy and skills to break free from self-limiting beliefs and open ultimately start to open up a world of possibilities!

How to establish routine during Corona

How to establish routine during Corona

Having a routine can help us feel grounded during an uncertain time.

How do we create a routine?

CBT Therapist Sarah Kenny offers suggestions and advice, navigating towards new routines that work for you at this time of change.

Empty Nest Syndrome - hitting sooner than you thought?

Empty Nest Syndrome - hitting sooner than you thought?

Empty nest syndrome (ENS) has long been associated with parents, particularly mothers, whose children have reached an age where they are ready to leave home.  It is thought to lead to feelings of grief, loneliness and changes in relationships between spouses. It signifies the end of that particular stage in life.

Psychologist, Alexandra Barnett discusses the symptoms of ENS and how it can effect us a lot earlier than we might expect.