Thoughts are not facts

Was Shakespeare a secret CBT therapist specialising in the treatment of OCD??

Was Shakespeare a secret CBT therapist specialising in the treatment of OCD??

Discover how Shakespeare, the beloved bard and master of English, may have been an early adopter of cognitive behavioural therapy, and explore his pearls of wisdom for managing negative thinking patterns and OCD symptoms. "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." - Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2.

A liberating point - thoughts are NOT facts. Why you need to let them go. (CBT Expert advice)

A liberating point - thoughts are NOT facts. Why you need to let them go. (CBT Expert advice)

For some, thoughts can generate a great deal of negative emotion and can become pesky and persistent. Learning that they are all ‘just thoughts’ and that you can let the control over them go, despite the feeling they generate in you, can feel like a liberating life skill. You can’t stop them from appearing, but you can stop them from bothering you