Black and White thinking

Things are not always black and white - how to change tricky thinking styles using CBT techniques

Things are not always black and white - how to change tricky thinking styles using CBT techniques

Black-and-white thinking, also known as "all-or-nothing" or "dichotomous" thinking, is a type of cognitive distortion where a person views situations, people, or events as either completely good or completely bad, with no room for shades of grey or complexity.

CBT therapy is a highly effective type of therapy to help shift this type of unhelpful thinking. CBT is an effective therapeutic approach that can help people change their extreme and black-and-white thinking patterns by challenging and replacing their negative or distorted thoughts with more realistic and flexible ones.

What is black and white thinking & why should we consider shifting our perspective onto the grey? (Therapist Advice)

What is black and white thinking & why should we consider shifting our perspective onto the grey? (Therapist Advice)

Black and white thinking is the tendency to see things as all-or-nothing, things are either good or bad, right or wrong. We will all be able to recognise this type of thinking from time to time. Here Lisa Johnston, CBT Therapist and founder of My Therapist Online, shares some advice about how best to manage this type of unhelpful thinking in order to find the grey… or indeed a range of colour in the way we perceive things.